Explore the fundamentals of the organizations that make Anderson Township run in a one evening class called “Anderson Township 101.” The event is set for 6-8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24 at Anderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road.
Representatives of Anderson Township government, the Forest Hills School District and the Anderson Park District will share information about their respective organizations.
Topics covering include township operations including trustee roles, emergency response (police and fire fundamentals), planning and zoning and volunteer opportunities. The park district will discuss the past, present and future of the parks and how volunteering with the parks system enhances the community. Forest Hills School District administrators will discuss the importance of 21st-century learning and how the district is preparing students to be successful in a technology-driven world. To register, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/anderson-township-101-tickets-94727824473